
Decompression surgery is done to address spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal) and this includes taking pressure off the nerves. The narrowing is cause by enlarged facet joints, ligaments and discs. It is most commonly done in the elderly and it can result in leg pain as well as reduced ability to walk.
Read all the information in the leaflet below
Spinal surgery is needed in only a few percent of all cases of spine-related problems.
Read about the 3 most common procedures.
Microdiscectomy is effective for treating persisting leg pain coming from nerves being compressed by a disc in the lower back. The success rate is 80-90%.
Read all the information in the leaflet below

Spinal fusion

Spinal surgery

What happens after my surgery?
Spinal fusion is carried out to address instability of the spine. It consists of putting several screws and plates into the spine at various levels. Spinal fusion is being carried in a small minority of patients with either fractures, instability and disc problems. It is not suited to the majority of patients who have mechanical low back pain.

What happens after your spinal surgery?
To a degree this depends on the type of operation and if there are any complications. Generally you will be in hospital only a few days and then go home. You will be expected to be taking things easy and be off work for about 6 weeks. Then you will have a follow-up appointment with your spinal surgeon. If everything is going well, then you will be told when you can get back to work (this depends on what you do). You will also need to attend physiotherapy to have rehabilitation which will work on restoring movement and making sure you are ready for normal daily challenges and work.