Features of a poor sitting posture include:
Slumped shoulders
Rounded back
Poking chin
Certain muscles tighten
Certain muscles weaken
Leaning forward
Poor posture
Good posture
Features of a good sitting posture include:
Aligned head, neck and back
Head sits on top of shoulders
Straight back
Shoulders back
Muscles in their natural position
Arms relaxed
Back arched slightly forward
Most of us are far from having a perfect posture and we spend more and more time sat at a desk.
Becoming aware of the effects of poor posture will help you understand what you can do to improve your posture and pain.

Steps to good sitting posture
Align your computer screen so that it is directly in front of you and you are looking straight forward at eye level
Have support for your elbows which should be at a right angle
Keep the keyboard and mouse close to your body so you aren't reaching too far forwards
Sit up straight and slightly arch your lower back forwards
Push your chin back slightly so that your head sits square on your shoulders
Effects of poor posture
Effects of a poor sitting posture include:
Aches and pains in the back
Shoulder aches
Poor flexibility
Tight muscles